RSS Feed
1. Open my_listings.tpl 2. find the code: {if $property.MakeModel.is_sortable} <a href="?restore=1&sorting_field=MakeModel&sorting_order={if $sorting_order == 'ASC' && $sorting_field == 'MakeModel'}DESC{else}ASC{/if}">[[FormField...
Open the file \system\ext\I18N\I18NTranslator.php, find the code: function &gettext($domain_id, $phrase_id, $mode) { if(empty($phrase_id)) { $error =& $this->_trigger_error('EMPTY PHRA...
Open print_listing.tpl and add the following lines in the very beginning: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="{$GLOBALS.site_url}/system/ext/jquery/jquery.js"/></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/j...
You can add latest listing to the page with the use of the following command: {module name="classifieds" function="search_results" action="search" results_template="last_listings.tpl" sorting_field="activation_date" sorting_order="DESC" ...
In order to add a new item to the CARS BY BODY STYLE browsing on the main page you should proceed with the following steps: 1. Go to Admin Panel -> Listing Management -> Listing Types -> edit "Car" -> edit "BodyStyle" -> press "Edit List Values" link -...
Here is what you need to do: 1. open /system/user-scripts/classifieds/search_results_TemplateProcessorCharger.php, find the block: } elseif ($sorting_field == 'id') { $ids = join(", ", $this->found_listings_sids); $sql = ' SELECT ...
Let's say, you need to insert a banner after each 10 listings on the Search results page. The instructions for iAuto and iRealty: Open search_results.tpl Add the line: {assign var=cnt value='0'} above {foreach from=$listings item=listing name=lis...
1. Open search/tree_level_2.tpl 2. Add the following code after the {/foreach} tag: {if $id eq "MakeModel"} document.getElementById('{$id}_1').value = '291'; generate_{$id}_ChildList(1, 291); document.getElementById('{$id}_2').val...
1. Open /system/user-scripts/users/login.php 2. Find the line (~#40): $logged_in = Authorization::login($username, $password, $keep_signed, $errors); 3. Insert the following code after it: if ($user_group_info['id']=='Agent' && $logged_in) redirec...
You can translate the emails which are sent from the front-end only, i.e. when the language is set. Note that when you click "Sent Activation Email" from the Admin Panel, the system uses a template, which locates among /admin/templates/default/ files. ...
On the "Select Payment Method" page there are several buttons with possible payment methods (gateways): If you need to translate them, go to payment_page.tpl and find the block: {f...
When users make payments for listings or listing features (upgrade to Featured Ad, Listing Highlight etc), they can see only English phrases on the payment page. For example, when a user pays for upgrade his listing to Featured, he will see the followi...
Please open the file /system/lib/classifieds/ListingField/ListingFieldTreeManager.php and find the line: $max_order = DB::query("SELECT MAX(`order`) FROM listing_field_tree WHERE field_sid = ?n AND parent_sid = ?n", $field_sid, $parent_sid); You need...
Go to the /apps/adminPanel/config/LocalSettings.php and /apps/frontEnd/config/LocalSettings.php files and comment the line: 'MYSQL_CHARSET' => 'utf8', so the file will look like:
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