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You need to create a membership plan with a price equal to $0 for your free and/or featured listings, and the software will bypass the payment routine and go right to listing activation.
1. create a field called PDF of the "file" type 2. add the following lines to input forms templates to a desired location: <tr> <td>[[$form_fields.PDF.caption]]:</td><td colspan="5">{input property=PDF}<...
1. create a field called VideoTourLink of the "string" type 2. add the following lines to input forms templates to a desired location: <tr> <td>[[$form_fields.VideoTourLink.caption]]:</td><td colspan="5">{i...
You can enter your PHPmyAdmin console and run the following command: INSERT INTO administrator SET username='a_desired_login', `password` =PASSWORD('a_desired_password')
You can enter your PHPmyAdmin console and run the following command to change admin's login and password: UPDATE `administrator` SET `username` = 'a_desired_login', `password`=PASSWORD('a_desired_password');
We use iAuto [1] as an example. Let's say, you need to create a browse page by fuel type. You need to do the following: 1. create the "FuelType" field of list or string type 2. create a new User Page at Admin Panel -> Site Layout -> User Pages wit...
You can make all users trusted and their listings will not be "PENDING" until someone complaints on them. Go to Admin Panel -> User Management -> Manage Users -> click the "Check All" link -> click the "Make Trust...
We have fixed this issue for versions 3.0.8 and above. Please upgrade to the latest version [1] if you have this issue Links: ------ [1]
All available language files are listed on the main pages of official sites of our products: - iAuto langfiles [1] - iRealty langfiles [2] - iLister langfiles [3] All language files are available for FREE for all our existing customers on demand. If y...
You can import listings with pictures as follows: 1. place the files with pictures to your /admin/pictures/ folder and set 777 permissions to the folder; 2. create an xls file for import (see an example below), where columns are field IDs; 3. put the...
There is a way to import texts with special symbols. Here is what you need to do: 1. In Excel open the file with imported listing data 2. Save this file as Unicode Text. In Excel menu File->Save as, in the save dialog box select "Unicode Tex...
You need to run a MySQL command: UPDATE `listings` set `featured` = 0 WHERE `sid` in (101,103,205) Numbers in brackets are listing IDs.
The default iAuto/iRealty/iLister [1] v. < 4.3.0 forms use the "post" method, and IE cannot cache results of post-queries. You can fix this issue easily by replacing "post" to "get" in the forms. Links: ------ [1]
A user can see only those poll's questions which he/she has not answered yet. That is why you can see new questions when you created them. A browser keeps this information in its cookies. In case you cleared the cookies of your browser, you will se...
You have added this Membership plan after your users have been registered, and this Membership plan was of the "Subscription" type (please refer to the User Manual [1]) Users are able to see a new Membership plan only when their current subscription i...
Version Control Systems Revision Control can help you to manage ongoing development of your source code and template files of iAuto/iRealty/iLister. Most commonly, a version control system is a stand-alone application, but it can be embedded in a vari...
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